
Author: Time: 2024-04-09 Views: 119

After 9 long years of continuous support , World's top 20 agrochemical enterprise Wynca again chooses AlphaFlow as their BPM partner on their journey to complete digital transformation. 

The Wynca BPM case

Wynca was founded in 1965 and is headquartered in Jiande City, Zhejiang Province. Listed in September 2001, it is one of China's top 500 manufacturing enterprises and the world's top 20 agrochemical sales enterprises. The output and technical level of Xin'an Group's main products are in the forefront of the world, and have successively won the honorary titles of "China Famous Brand" and "China Well-known Trademark". Since 2009, Econage has established a collaborative management platform for Wynca based on the group's process management, portal management, work collaboration, mobile office and other fields, and deeply built SHE quality system management, business department portal, production data filling, contract management and other core business management systems, which have received good application results, and the service quality and efficiency of Econage have been highly recognized by the leaders of Wynca Group.

In response to the government's call for "Made in China 2025" and "Industrialization 4.0", "Xin'an Chemical 4.0" has become a new slogan and development opportunity for Wynca. In the face of the wave of digitalization, Wynca takes digital transformation as its "No. 1 project", it decides to improve the level of informatization at the fastest speed, improve digital infrastructure, make digitalization fully cover all links of research, production, supply and marketing, realize the digitalization of production organization mode, realize the digitalization of enterprise management, complete the strategic transformation to digital enterprises, and achieve the overall improvement of high-quality development capabilities. Therefore, Wynca Group once again invited AlphaFlow to participate in the cooperation, under the guidance of Wynca's overall informatization strategy, to complete the comprehensive upgrade from collaborative office OA system to BPM-based collaboration and control platform, helping Xinan Group achieve digital transformation.

Under the guidance of the overall strategy of informatization, Wynca Group has mainly achieved the following major goals:

1. From WorkSite collaborative work platform, fully upgraded to BPM process management platform

In 2009, Wynca Group adopted the AlphaFlow WorkSite collaborative office system, and in 2018, the same AlphaFlow iBPM once again helped Wynca Group, this time not only upgrading all application functions in the original system, but also completed the integration of three new applications: unified standardized business integration, information system integration integration, unified and standardized data interaction. we have realized the convergence of functions including cloud services, time processing, real-time decision-making, and system interaction.

2. The independent integration platform can realize full integrate with heterogeneous systems such as SAP

For Wynca, the key to digital strategic transformation is how to integrate the various systems. Therefore, it is essential to have a stable, mature, optimized, rule-based, reusable, and highly compatible BPM integration platform.

This comprehensive upgrade, through Econage's independent AlphaFlow integration platform, based on process robots, realizes the comprehensive data interaction of Wynca Group's SAP system, MES, CRM and other core systems, realizes the integration of data in all links of research, production, supply and marketing, brings the entire enterprise operation into digital process management, and assists Xinan Group to do a good job in the "No. 1 Project".

3. Optimize application solutions and improve user experience

In the process of project marketing, how to effectively push data to users, and let users obtain and manipulate data in a concise way is the focus of the marketing team. Therefore, Econage comprehensively optimizes the existing SHE quality system management, business department portal, production data filling, contract management, etc., and greatly improves the user experience from the aspects of performance, function, and application interaction.

4. Establish a rapid response agile development model

Another requirement for digital transformation is "fast." While completing the comprehensive upgrade of product technology, in response to changes in core customer needs, based on the Econage BPM lightweight development platform, an agile development and response mechanism has been established to meet its own business needs and changes in the first time.

The Econage BPM comprehensive upgrade project has been successfully accepted, contributing to the digital transformation of Wynca Group, but with the deepening of digitalization and information requirements, the strategic cooperation between the two parties still needs to be continuously strengthened and innovated. As Mr. Wu Jianhua, Chairman of Wynca Group, said: "Digital transformation is not a simple IT system upgrade, but a process of "IT upgrading + management model change + business model innovation". In the process of enterprise intelligence, the standardization and systematization of basic management is the premise of big data application and intelligent manufacturing. "The IT colleagues of Econage and Wynca will work together to accelerate digital transformation, build a digital power engine for "Made in China 2025" and "Industrialization 4.0", and promote the rapid development of enterprises.

Article Tag: BPMA